Luan Wang Meet the creator + prompts + links to bots + other socials if you're curious about my art or want to request bots! carrd made by @crowdits on tumblr

I make all of my bots' descriptions public, so feel free to use them for private bots. Just please don't publish them :]]

_______Luan⚓︎ 20⚓︎ He/Him______
Just a college student. I do art and bots sometimes. Just trying to survive lol. I hope you'll have as much fun with the bots and stuff as I had when making them ;]
I'm mostly making danmei bots, and I will probably make more RE bots. requests, comments and reviews are very cool, so if you have time, I'll gladly apprecieate any support ;]]

minors (obviously), if you can't take that people are different and have different preferences, pedos, racists, zoophiles |
English isn't my first language, so better get used to the fact that I'll make mistakes when writing or don't follow me |