Luan Wang Meet the creator + prompts + links to bots + other socials if you're curious about my art or want to request bots! carrd made by @crowdits on tumblr

I make all of my bots' descriptions public, so feel free to use them for private bots. Just please don't publish them :]]


_______Luan⚓︎ 20⚓︎ He/Him______

Just a college student. I do art and bots sometimes. Just trying to survive lol. I hope you'll have as much fun with the bots and stuff as I had when making them ;]
I'm mostly making danmei bots, and I will probably make more RE bots. requests, comments and reviews are very cool, so if you have time, I'll gladly apprecieate any support ;]]

minors (obviously), if you can't take that people are different and have different preferences, pedos, racists, zoophiles
English isn't my first language, so better get used to the fact that I'll make mistakes when writing or don't follow me